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來源:http://www.gzuvafuz.cn/ 日期:2023-12-28 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):0


Mainly used in the production of n-butyl ester plasticizers for phthalic acid, aliphatic dicarboxylic acid, and phosphoric acid, they are widely used in various plastic and rubber products. It is also a raw material for the production of butyraldehyde, butyric acid, butylamine, and butyl lactate in organic synthesis. It is also a dehydrating agent, anti emulsifier, and extractant for fats, vitamins, and spices, as well as an additive for alkyd resin coatings. It can also be used as a solvent and dewaxing agent for organic dyes and printing inks. As a solvent, it can be used to separate potassium perchlorate and sodium perchlorate, as well as sodium chloride and lithium chloride. Used to wash the precipitation of sodium uranyl zinc acetate. Molybdate method is used in colorimetric determination to determine arsenic acid. Measure the fat in milk. The medium for saponification esters. Prepare paraffin embedded material for microscopic analysis. Used as a solvent for fats, waxes, resins, shellac, tree gum, etc. Co solvents for nitro spray paint, etc.


Standard substances for chromatographic analysis. Used for colorimetric determination of arsenic acid, as a solvent for separating potassium, sodium, lithium, and chlorates.



Used as an analytical reagent, such as a solvent, as a standard substance for chromatographic analysis. Also used in organic synthesis.


As an important solvent, it is widely used in the production of urea formaldehyde resin, cellulose resin, alkyd resin, and coatings, and can also be used as a commonly used non active diluent in adhesives. It is also an important chemical raw material used in the production of plasticizers such as dibutyl phthalate, aliphatic dicarboxylic acid esters, and phosphate esters. It is also used as a dehydrating agent, anti emulsifier, and extractant for oils, spices, vitamins, etc., an additive for alkyd resin coatings, and a co solvent for nitro spray paint.


Cosmetic solvents. It is mainly used as cosolvent in cosmetics such as nail polish to coordinate with main solvents such as ethyl acetate, which helps to dissolve pigments and adjust the volatilization speed and viscosity of solvents. The addition amount is generally around 10%.


A defoamer that can be used as an ink blending agent in screen printing.


Used for baking food, pudding, candies.


Used for the production of esters, plastic plasticizers, pharmaceuticals, spray paint, and as solvents.

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