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來(lái)源:http://www.gzuvafuz.cn/ 日期:2023-11-13 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):0
Direct contact has a significant irritant effect and can cause burns.
Chronic effects: chronic conjunctivitis, nasal mucosal ulcers, and inflammation. Sensitive, can cause rash 360 Q&A and asthma. Explosion hazard: This product is flammable, toxic, corrosive, and irritating, and can cause burns and allergies. Skin contact: Immediately remove contaminated clothing and rinse with plenty of flowing water for at least 15 minutes. See a doctor. Eye contact: Immediately lift the eyelids and rinse thoroughly with a large amount of flowing water or Laoweili physiological saline for at least 15 minutes. See a doctor.
Inhalation: Quickly leave the scene and go to a place with fresh air. Maintain unobstructed respiratory tract. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing stops, immediately engage in artificial respiration. See a doctor. Ingestion: Rinse mouth with water and give milk or egg white. See a doctor. Hazard characteristics: Powder and air can form an explosive mixture, and when it reaches a certain concentration, it will explode when encountering Mars. Operation precautions: closed operation, local exhaust. Operators must undergo specialized training and strictly adhere to operating procedures.
It is recommended that operators wear self priming filter type dust masks, chemical safety glasses, rubber acid and alkali resistant clothing, and rubber acid and alkali resistant gloves. Stay away from sparks and heat sources, and smoking is strictly prohibited in the workplace. Use explosion-proof ventilation systems and equipment. Avoid generating dust. Avoid contact with oxidants, reducing agents, and acids. When handling, handle with care to prevent damage to packaging and containers. Equip corresponding types and quantities of firefighting equipment and emergency response equipment for leaks. Empty containers may leave harmful substances behind.
Storage precautions: Store in a cool, dry, and well ventilated warehouse in Kisba. Stay away from ignition and heat sources. Keep the container sealed. It should be stored separately from oxidants, reducing agents, acids, and edible chemicals and should not be mixed. Equip corresponding types and quantities of fire-fighting equipment. The storage area should be equipped with suitable materials to control leaks. I hope it will be helpful and beneficial to you!

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