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來源:http://www.gzuvafuz.cn/ 日期:2024-02-23 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):0


Maleic anhydride, abbreviated as maleic anhydride, is the third largest anhydride raw material in the world after phthalic anhydride and acetic anhydride. It is an important C4 raw material in the chemical industry and has a wide range of sources. It can be produced from coal, petroleum, biomass and other routes. Maleic anhydride can be converted into succinic anhydride through catalytic hydrogenation γ- A series of high value-added important fine chemicals such as butyrolactone, tetrahydrofuran, and 1,4-butanediol have important applications in military industry, textiles, rubber resins, batteries, and other fields, with broad market prospects. At present, the demand for maleic anhydride in China is limited and there is a trend of overcapacity. Compared with maleic anhydride, its downstream products γ- Butyrolactone and other chemical raw materials are extremely important, and the domestic demand is increasing by tens of thousands of times year by year, with a high dependence on imports. Based on this, a modified nickel silicon catalyst is used to catalyze the efficient hydrogenation of maleic anhydride under mild conditions for preparation γ- Butyrolactone.



The catalyst is composed of active metal Ni, reducible metal oxide, and carrier SiO2. Specifically, a layered nickel silicate catalyst with a sandwich structure of 2:1 type, composed of tetrahedra of silicon oxide and octahedra of nickel oxide, utilizes the confinement effect of its layered structure to improve the stability of the active components in the catalyst. During the preparation process, reducible metal oxide precursors are doped as additives, and the reducibility of the additives is utilized to generate oxygen vacancies, promoting the selective hydrogenation of maleic anhydride C=O and efficiently preparing the catalyst γ- Butyrolactone.


γ- Butyrolactone is a highly soluble, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly high boiling solvent. It is an important raw material for the synthesis of pyrrolidone and cyclopropylamine compounds, as well as an intermediate for the synthesis of insecticides, herbicides, and other drugs. Therefore, it efficiently catalyzes the conversion of coal based downstream products such as maleic anhydride to prepare high value-added chemicals γ- Butyrolactone has important research significance and broad application prospects.


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