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來(lái)源:http://www.gzuvafuz.cn/ 日期:2024-04-30 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):0


The main production methods of maleic anhydride include benzene oxidation, butene oxidation, and n-butane oxidation, but benzene oxidation is still the main method. 1. Benzene oxidation method: Benzene undergoes oxidation reaction in a fixed bed under the action of V-Mo-P catalyst, generating maleic anhydride at a reaction temperature of 365 ℃ (boiling bed can also be used for the reaction bed layer, but the consumption is high). Then, it is absorbed with water to generate maleic acid, which is then subjected to azeotropic dehydration and distillation, and scraped to obtain the finished product. 2. Butane (or butene) oxidation method: Butane (or butene) is oxidized to maleic anhydride by air or oxygen under the action of V-Mo catalyst, at a reaction temperature of 350-400 ℃. Then, it is absorbed by water, dehydrated, and refined to obtain the finished product.


The synthesis methods of maleic anhydride mainly include benzene oxidation, butene oxidation, butane oxidation, etc. Currently, most production uses benzene oxidation method, which uses benzene as the raw material and catalyzes oxidation to obtain maleic anhydride.



Using a fixed bed or fluidized bed reactor, benzene is oxidized to maleic anhydride with air under the action of V-Mo-P catalyst at a reaction temperature of 365 ℃. Then, it is absorbed with water to generate an aqueous solution of maleic acid, which is then subjected to azeotropic distillation and dehydration with xylene to obtain maleic anhydride. Finally, the finished product is obtained by vacuum distillation.


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