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來源:http://www.gzuvafuz.cn/ 日期:2022-06-01 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):0
As for the maleic anhydride wastewater treatment process, the specific process is as follows:
(1) Neutralization flocculation pressure filtration sedimentation section. The mixed wastewater from raw water storage tank is sent to neutralization flocculation sedimentation tank by centrifugal pump, and quantitative solid magnesium oxide powder and neutral flocculant are added under mixing conditions. Adjust the pH value to 8.0, and the centrifugal pump will deliver the suspension to the program-controlled automatic sealing filter press.
(2) Evaporation stage process. The filtrate from the neutralization tank is sent to the effect evaporator, and then enters the neutralization tank after evaporation and concentration.
(3) Membrane treatment part. After evaporation, the two-stage evaporation liquid is first treated by microfiltration and nanofiltration. The light transmittance of fresh water reaches 85% and COD is below 500 mg / L. The concentrated water enters the first stage, and the fresh water is separated by three layers of reverse osmosis membrane. The designed treatment capacity of the membrane separation unit is 5.0m3/h, fresh water is 4.25m3/h, and water accounts for about 85% of the total. After treatment, COD shall not exceed 60 mg / L and BOD shall not exceed 30 mg / L. In order to ensure the stable operation of the sewage treatment system, adjust the dosage of wastewater pretreatment, reduce the dosage load, and adjust the addition time and mixing time of neutralizer and flocculant. Under the effect of cluster effect, the flocculant particles of wastewater increase greatly, which effectively reduces the COD index after treatment.
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