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來源:http://www.gzuvafuz.cn/ 日期:2024-09-02 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):0


  Sodium sulfate is a salt formed by the combination of sulfate ions and sodium ions. Molecular formula: Na2SO4; Molecular weight: 142.04. At 241 ℃, sodium sulfate will transform into hexagonal crystals. Anhydrous sodium sulfate with high purity and fine particles is called sodium sulfate powder, while sodium sulfate decahydrate is commonly known as saltpeter.



  Is sodium sulfate acidic or alkaline?


  Sodium sulfate is a salt, and its origin can be vaguely understood from its name: sulfuric acid, sodium. Therefore, it is a salt formed by a series of reactions between sulfate ions and sodium ions. This salt also has another nickname, called Yuanming powder. Of course, not all sodium sulfate can be called this. Only high-purity anhydrous state is called Yuanming powder! This substance is relatively soluble in water, and its solution is detected as neutral by pH test paper, not acidic or alkaline. In addition to this property, sodium sulfate also has one thing: it is not soluble in alcohol, but it can fuse with glycerol as easily and simply as it does with water. From its appearance, it is also very beautiful, like crystal, with transparent small crystals. Despite its cuteness, it is a strong acid and alkali salt with oxygen-containing acids!


  What are the chemical properties of sodium sulfate?


  As we all know, first of all, sodium sulfate is a neutral salt, so for other acidic or alkaline salts, the chemical properties of sodium sulfate are relatively stable. And because of its neutrality, it also does not dissolve in strong acids. I'll tell you quietly, it cannot dissolve in magnesium and aluminum. It seems that sodium sulfate is quite noble and not close to "magnesium aluminum".


  Although sodium sulfate is a gentleman, it still pours for one thing, which is water. It is extremely soluble in water and can't wait to be together as soon as it touches water. It is really a benchmark for "spoiling" the water world. It also has a magical phenomenon, it will turn into a small hexagonal crystal at 241 degrees Celsius, which is very cute!


This article is a friendly contribution from Jinan Jinhao Chemical Co., Ltd. For more related knowledge, please click: http://www.gzuvafuz.cn/ Sincere attitude. We provide you with excellent service. We will gradually contribute more knowledge to you. Please stay tuned

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